Sky Hoods

Sky Hoods
What does a Ram Air Hood do for your Saturn Sky?

In most instances, an aftermarket fiberglass hood weighs more then today's modern, aluminum built straight hoods. However, some of our popular hoods like the Saturn Sky weighs up to 10lbs less then OEM steel hoods. A Sky Ram Air Hood can assist your car in a few more ways then an OEM hood can. An aftermarket Ram Air Hood allows extra air to enter the engine compartment, therefore allowing additional cooling for your Saturn Sky. Most are built to channel air on top of the OEM air box for HP gains at speeds, which means greater performance.

Lastly, Saturn Sky aftermarket ram air hoods make the car look more appealing and aggressive. Whether it's Double Scoops, Single Scoops, Cowl Induction, or OEM Styling, we carry popular brands such as RK Sport, Trufiber, APM, and our own BMC Extreme Customs line and many more.