2015-2017 Ford Mustang Carbon Fiber Hood Scoop Concept 1 2015-2016

2015-2017 Ford Mustang Carbon Fiber Hood Scoop Concept 1 2015-2016
Item# BMC-MSTHS2015-CF
Availability: Out of Stock
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Mustang 2015-2016 Carbon Fiber Hood Scoop Concept 1 BMC-MSTHS2015-CF

Add styling and get the performance look with this BMC Extreme Concepts 1 great-looking hood scoop. We are proud to introduce this latest product from BMC Extreme Concepts. This new 2015-Current Ford Mustang carbon fiber hood scoop is made with top-quality 100% carbon fiber material.

*Ready to install
*High Gloss Finish
*Made with 100% carbon fiber
*Made in the USA
*Comes with 4 screw taps and Tape.

BMC Extreme Concepts line of fiberglass & carbon fiber Mustang aftermarket hoods and hood Scoops restyling. Their goal is to create some of the best-styled both fiberglass hood and hood scoops as well as carbon fiber. With BMC Extreme Concepts parts you have high quality that's attainable at a reasonable cost.

 photo 2015 Mustang Carbon fiber scoop bmcextremecustoms_zpsv5ofozjr.jpg

2016 Carbon fiber Mustang Hood Scoop bmc extreme Customs photo carbonfiber mustang scoop concept 1_zps1lvknqgj.jpg